
Exaggeration – a statement or a way of saying something that makes something seem better than it really is. (överdriva någonting)


Exceed – to go beyond an official or legal limit. (överskrider någonting)


Modest – shy about showing your body or attracting sexual interest. (blygsam)


Authority – the power you have because of your position or because people respect your knowledge. (att ha pondus och vara respekterad)


Degrade – to treat someone without respect. (behandla någon respektlöst)


Oppressed – a group of people who are oppressed are treated unfairly and prevented from having the same rights as other people have. (en grupp av människor blir hindrade från att ha samma rättighter som andra har)


Coherent – If a piece of writing is coherent, it’s easy to understand. (sammanhängande)


Interpretation – an attempt to explain the reason to an event, a result or someone’s actions.  (ett forsök att förklara ett resultat eller någons handling)


Implicit – criticism that is suggested or understood without being stated directly. (obetingad)


Titillate – if a picture or a story titillate someone, it makes them feel sexually excited. (upphetsar)



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