Second task
We have now started to work with an elective book; I selected to read Sexy by Joyce Carol Oates. Our first task was to write about our first emotions that we got when we read the first chapter. The first chapter is always the most imported one. It´s the one thing that decides wider you keep reading this book or not, or with witch attitude that you keep on reading.
The first impression I got when I first open Sexy was that it was printed in kind of big letters with not much text on each page. My experiences tell me that not many really good books look like this, and I think that that reduced my expectations a bit. And the first chapter didn´t put them up either.
The first chapter was all about introducing the reader to the main character. His name is Darren Flynn. I got the feeling that something bad are going to happen to him. Actually I don´t know why, perhaps it´s the way the author is describing him. She describes him in third person, like he doesn´t exists. It feels like a dark book full of secrets, you just have to give it a chance. That´s why I never quit reading a book after one or two chapters, some books are just slow before they get exiting or just “start”.
But back to Sexy. The first chapter was just almost about Darren’s look. That makes me feel that the way he looks, or that he is sexy, are going to be a thing that´s repeats in the book, a thing that are going to be very important in the story. That all the “bad” (that I think are going to happened) starts with that Darren goes from nobody to a good looking guy that get´s everyone’s attention, both girls in his age and older women on the street.
Okay, time to summarize. My emotions I got when I read the first chapter was both negative and positive. The negative was that I thought that the book was going to be kind of slow in the beginning. The positive ones were instead that I got the feeling that the book is going to get better after a while. So listen to my advice, don’t give up on a book after the first chapter, just keep on going and you will feel that you have to read until the end ;)
Hotel Rwanda

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